Health and Physical Education

In Ontario, the curriculum identifies what knowledge and skills a student should be able to demonstrate by the end of each grade. Recently, the Health and Physical Education curriculum was updated. The curriculum supports student to:
·         Understand themselves and others;
·         Think critically, make and promote healthy choices;
·         Develop and maintain relationships;
·         Be safe, physically and emotionally; and
·         Be physically active for life and thrive.

During the next few weeks, there will be a focus on the Human Development and Sexual Health topics.

Education is most effective when parents, schools and the community work together. For your information, copies of the full Health and Physical Education curriculum and parent guides (including translated material) can be found at

Additional information can be found by clicking the following links which will take you to Ministry of Education resources:

Ministry of Education – Health and Physical Education Grade by Grade overviews

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

If you have additional questions and wish to discuss the implementation of the curriculum, please contact your child's teacher or the school principal or Vice-Principal

Spring Dance - A Tribute to the Stars

This is a reminder to Families that the School Council will be hosting a Spring Dance for students on Friday, April 15th. Each grade will be called to the gym to dance with their classmates. A professional DJ and “Dance Helpers” will be working with students to help encourage full participation. This year’s theme is “A Tribute to the Stars”. Students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite celebrity or Disney character (Please consider the school dress code when selecting costumes). Student Council will be selling snacks and drinks. The proceeds will be used to support their charity initiatives.