Earth Hour
Earth Hour is a worldwide movement for the planet organized by the World Wildlife Fund. The event is held worldwide annually encouraging individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the last Saturday in March, as a symbol for their commitment to the planet. The goal is to get as many individuals and businesses as possible to turn off
their lights for one hour to raise awareness about climate change and
demonstrate that people are ready to take personal action.
At Bayview Hill ES, our "Earth Hour" is from 2pm to 3pm today. All essential lights will be turned off as well as unused monitors and computers.
On Saturday March 28 from 8:30 to 9:30pm, take this opportunity to spend time with family and friends celebrating Earth Hour. Find creative ways to spend an hour in the dark. For more information and ideas visit wwf Canada. Let's all take action to bring awareness to conserving energy.
At Bayview Hill ES, our "Earth Hour" is from 2pm to 3pm today. All essential lights will be turned off as well as unused monitors and computers.
On Saturday March 28 from 8:30 to 9:30pm, take this opportunity to spend time with family and friends celebrating Earth Hour. Find creative ways to spend an hour in the dark. For more information and ideas visit wwf Canada. Let's all take action to bring awareness to conserving energy.
Are you Moving?
Planning for Next Year
Next year’s classes are organized based on the number of
students we project for September 2015. Please call or email us if you are
planning to move or know a new student moving into the area. We would
also like to remind our community to register all new Kindergarten students,
those born in 2010 or 2011.
(905) 508-0806 or email
Thank you for your assistance.
Lice Prevention March 31st
Recently the board’s procedure around the identification,
prevention and treatment of pediculosis (head lice) changed. [Procedure #
657.0] Students are no longer required to stay home from school when they
have pediculosis provided that treatment has been started and
parents/guardians have signed a form indicating such. In an effort to be
proactive about the spread of lice in our building, our School Council, has
funded a company to come to our school and check the heads of every student so
that we can identify any students that might have lice and more importantly,
help support the family in treating the pediculosis and prevent the spread of
lice within the classes.
Lice can occur throughout the school year, however, we notice that
there is usually an increase in the fall and in the spring. We will be
inviting The Lice People to Bayview Hill on March 31st 2015 to check
the heads of every student. If you have any concerns or questions
regarding or wish to request that your child not be checked, then please
contact the school office.
The Lice People are a head lice removal and education clinic
located in York Region. They use a safe and non-toxic lice removal
technique utilizing The Shepherd Method of Strand-By-Strand Nit Removal developed
by world renowned lice expert, Katie Shepherd. The Lice People staff are
well educated about the lifecycle of lice, how to prevent it along with all the
myths and questions associated with it. They provide support
to families, schools, camps and communities by offering current information and
safe solutions to head lice eradication. They and we believe education is the best
defense to beating these pesky critters.
Good Luck to our Science Fair teams!
Five Grade 8 teams will be competing this Saturday, March 28 at the YRSTF Science Fair. The open
house is from 2 to 4 pm at Stephen Lewis S.S. in Thornhill Woods. Good luck to our students and thanks to Ms. Goodman for her guidance and time commitment.
School Council Basketball Program
School Council, with Silver Knights, is offering a Basketball Program on Thursday evenings beginning April 2 for 5 weeks. Grades 4-5 will be from 6pm to 7pm and Grades 6,7 & 8 will be from 7:10pm to 8:10pm. All students in Grades 4 to 8 were given the opportunity to take home a registration letter. Copies are also available in the school office. There are a limited amount of spots available and it is first come, first serve. All forms must be returned by March 25 *REVISED date
Chess Club returning
This week, new registration forms for the Chess and Math Association Chess Lessons will be offered to students in grades 1 to 6 this week. New sessions begin April 13 or April 14 and are held after school.
York Region District School Board School Climate Survey for Parents Key Findings
In May and June
2014, parents were invited to complete a questionnaire to collect perception
data about their child’s school environment and learning. The survey addressed
topics including equity and inclusion, school safety, learning environment,
student well-being and parent engagement. More than 14,000 parents participated
in the survey.
parents tended to have positive perceptions of school safety, the learning
environment at their child’s school, and reported that the school environment
was welcoming, equitable and inclusive. Parent responses indicated some areas
for attention, specifically in areas related to parent engagement, the
provision of information related to mental health supports and community
agencies and services, and the steps taken by the school to prevent and address
Thank you to
all who participated. Information gathered from this survey will support school
and Board planning processes.
York Region District School Board Student Surveys
In order to provide information for Board and School planning, York
Region District School Board students in Grades 5 to 12 will be invited to
participate in a school survey. The survey, which is anonymous and confidential,
will be conducted from April 7 to May 15, 2015 and will take place at
school. The information from this survey
will be used to identify areas to be addressed, monitor progress and plan
strategies to support student achievement and well-being. Aligned with Board priorities, the survey
will address topics including equity and inclusion, school safety, learning environment,
student well-being and other priorities. If you have questions, please contact
the school office.
Badminton Team Tryouts (Gr 6 to 8)
The tryouts for the Badminton Team (Grades 6 to 8) will begin
Tuesday, March 24 from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and Thursday, March 26 from 3:45 to
5:00 p.m.
Naw Ruz
To all of our families who celebrate Naw Rúz or Nowrus on March 21, on behalf of Bayview Hill Staff, we would like to
wish you and your families a very happy celebration.
Introducing our 2014~2015 BHES Yearbook Cover!
30 students from JK to Grade 8 submitted cover designs for the yearbook. We have some very talented students! All of the contributions were wonderful and that made the decision difficult. Students whose submissions were not selected for the cover will still be included in the yearbook in some way. Thank you to all of the students who took the time to create a design. Congratulations to Grace, a Grade 8 student for her design that was selected as the cover.
Living Healthy, Learning Well
Welcome to BHES “Living Healthy, Learning Well” blog
Bi-weekly, you will be receiving a blog post regarding healthy eating and active lifestyles
for the Bayview Hill school community.
Here, you will find ideas for you and your children to stay active and
eat well according to Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating.
In our first posting, we will be focusing on ideas for
healthy snacks. As an alternative to
pre-packaged snacks, some suggestions for an economical yet healthy snack
choice include:
dry cereals, such as Shreddies, Mini Wheats,
mini rice cakes
bread sticks
popcorn (little or no butter or salt)
crackers (low salt)
fresh vegetables like carrots, celery,
tomatoes, cucumbers (with or without dip)
Salsa (with crackers or breadsticks)
Apple/fruit sauce
100% Vegetable/fruit juice box
Dried fruits and vegetables
Dried seaweed
Cheese cubes / cheese sticks
White / Chocolate Milk
Yogurt cup / yogurt tubes / yogurt drink
Sunflower /
pumpkin seeds
Soya beans / edamame
We are a nut safe school. Please
be sure to read all labels for any nut ingredients (i.e., May contain
nuts). We have a number of students with
nut allergies in our school. These allergies can be life threatening.
Dance Club for Gr 4 to 6
Students in grades 4 to 6 who are interested in joining a dance club after March Break, need to sign up outside Ms. David's Room (129).
Today, Earth Rangers provided a free presentation to our students in JK to Grade 3. They shared information about North American animals that are endangered and brought a few feathered and furry animals with them. This is always an informative and engaging presentation for our students.
Thanks Peter!
As a random act of kindness on Monday, students in 6B recognized Peter, one of our crossing guards, for keeping our students safe when crossing the street. Peter was given signage to wear, "Peter Rocks from your friends at BHES".
School Council BASKETBALL program
School Council, with Silver Knights, is offering a Basketball Program on Thursday evenings beginning April 2 for 5 weeks. Grades 4-5 will be from 6pm to 7pm and Grades 6,7 & 8 will be from 7:10pm to 8:10pm. All students in Grades 4 to 8 were given the opportunity to take home a registration letter. Copies are also available in the school office. There are a limited amount of spots available and it is first come, first serve. All forms must be returned by March 23.
School Spirit Day on Thursday March 12
On Thursday March 12th, student council will be hosting another spirit day!
This time it will be TWIN DAY! Students can find 2, 3, 4, or more friends to
dress up like them. Show your spirit and dress up as twins, triplets or quadruplets!
Random Acts of Kindness by Gr 6B
Ms. Leder's class, with her teacher candidate Ms. Poteck, have decided to do random acts of kindness throughout the school. Today, a group of students from her class painted a message "Have only Positive Expectations" on the snow outside as inspiration for all of our students.
REMINDER: Yearbook Cover Contest ends March 9
March 9 is the last day for yearbook cover submissions. Students from JK to Grade 8 may submit a cover for the contest. Please make sure that Bayview Hill ES 2014 -2015 is included on the cover. Each submission should be on an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper. All submissions should go to Mr. Grant.
Rapper shares an Anti-Bullying message
On Tuesday, students in grades 4 through 8 heard a presentation from rapper Duane Gibson. He shared his story with the grades 4 to 6 of when he was bullied and the strategies that students can use if they are bullied. He referred to bystanders and the necessity to get help when someone is being bullied. He presented his message partially through the musical form of rapping and partially through story and audience participation. His focus for the Grade 7 & 8s was on thinking critically about media and what is truth and what might not be using the form of rapping to engage the students. "Stand Up, Stand tall, Stay Driven and Defy the Odds". Thanks to School Council for funding this presentation.
Gr 8 students participate in York Region Skills Challenge
Teams of grade 8 students participated today in the York Region Skills Challenge at Seneca College. They were given a task and a limited amount of time and materials to complete the challenge. Teams had to complete either a water wheel or create a TV/Video production (public service announcement) that critically analyzes the role of a bystander in
bullying situations. Congratulations to our grade 8 teams who participated and special congratulations to our team who built a Water Wheel, earning a Bronze medal in the competition. Thank you to Mr. Dan Grant for your coaching.
Safety in the Loop
A few safety reminders for parents when dropping off students in the loop:
Please abide by these rules to ensure the safety of all of our children.
- The loop is intended to be a "Kiss and Ride"; students need to be able to independently exit the vehicle; Adults should not exit the vehicle
- Students may be dropped off at any place along the curb lane in the loop but all vehicles should pull ahead as far as possible while in the loop; No stopping in the southern end of the loop.
- Do not turn left from the loop, as this creates a traffic gridlock and vehicles cannot move in the street or the loop
- Buses have the right of way getting into the school lot; please do not block the entrance to the front of the school
- Do not do 3-point turns on Strathearn Ave in front of the school
- Do not allow your child to exit the vehicle while on Strathearn Avenue. This is dangerous.
- There is no parking for parents in the parking lot unless you have a handicapped parking decal or you have a tag for the daycare spaces.
Please abide by these rules to ensure the safety of all of our children.
Junior Girls' Basketball Try outs WEDNESDAY
Girls in grades 4 - 6 are invited to try out for the Junior Girl's Basketball Team on Wednesday at 1:10pm.
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