Lice Prevention March 31st

Recently the board’s procedure around the identification, prevention and treatment of pediculosis (head lice) changed.  [Procedure # 657.0]  Students are no longer required to stay home from school when they have pediculosis provided that treatment has been started and parents/guardians have signed a form indicating such.  In an effort to be proactive about the spread of lice in our building, our School Council, has funded a company to come to our school and check the heads of every student so that we can identify any students that might have lice and more importantly, help support the family in treating the pediculosis and prevent the spread of lice within the classes. 
Lice can occur throughout the school year, however, we notice that there is usually an increase in the fall and in the spring.  We will be inviting The Lice People to Bayview Hill on March 31st 2015 to check the heads of every student.  If you have any concerns or questions regarding or wish to request that your child not be checked, then please contact the school office.

The Lice People are a head lice removal and education clinic located in York Region.  They use a safe and non-toxic lice removal technique utilizing The Shepherd Method of Strand-By-Strand Nit Removal developed by world renowned lice expert, Katie Shepherd.  The Lice People staff are well educated about the lifecycle of lice, how to prevent it along with all the myths and questions associated with it.  They provide support to families, schools, camps and communities by offering current information and safe solutions to head lice eradication.  They and we believe education is the best defense to beating these pesky critters.