Students riding school buses must observe the following procedures:
- Be at the bus stop five minutes before scheduled pick
- Keep well away from the road until the bus has stopped.
Do not move toward the bus until it has stopped.
- Watch for the bus driver’s signal before crossing the
road. Look both ways and then cross the road.
- Board the bus quickly using the handrail and go
directly to your seat.
- Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Do not eat or drink on the bus as these are prohibited.
- Keep the aisle clear of books, knapsacks, lunch bags
and other items.
- Keep windows closed unless the driver permits you to
open them and never put hands, arms, head or legs out of the window.
- Never throw anything inside the bus or out of the
- Talk quietly, so as not to distract the driver.
horseplay and fighting are strictly prohibited; students engaging in these
activities will have their bus privileges suspended.