Week 12 - Nov 20 to 24

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

The Week in Review…

1993 Graduation Class Composite Photo

We are on the lookout for a copy of the 1993 graduating year’s class composite picture. It is missing from our collection. We are reaching out to the community to see if anyone has a copy they can lend us so we can have it photographed and added back into our collection. If you have a copy or know of someone who might have a copy please let the office know.
We are in the process of updating the look of our front foyer to make it feel more inviting. Eventually, we will have an info screen and additional seating. Traditionally, we have had the framed graduation composite pictures displayed in the front hall, unfortunately we are running out of room to display all years. The plan is to take down the framed composite pictures and have the first 20+ years re-organized into a book that will be on display in the front hall along with the most recent framed graduation composite. We are hopeful that someone in the community can help us so that we can have all graduates honoured in our collection.

There are many holidays and celebrations throughout the school year, the month of December is one that includes celebrations from many faith groups. Our front foyer currently has on display a Christmas tree and a Menorah. We are looking to the community to help us with locating a suitable symbol to display for Kwanzaa, so that we may be inclusive of the values and concepts that are reflective of African culture.

Movie Night
School Council is hosting a Family Movie Night on Thursday December 7th. The movie is Boss Baby will be shown in the gym. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the movie starts at 6:30 p.m. Free tickets are available through School Cash online, and all students in attendance must be supervised by their parent/guardian.

We have had a few incidents over the last few weeks of students making “Slime” at home and bringing it to school. The substance has stained clothing and carpets, and as a result we are asking students to not bring “Slime” to school.

The Learning Commons will be running an activity in the month of December that requires the use of yarn. Any families that have spare yarn at home that they would like to donate, we would happily accept it! Donations can be dropped off in the front office.

The Week Ahead…

Monday, November 27th
Day 2 – Due to the PA Day on Friday the cycle days have shifted in our calendar.
Tuesday, November 28th
Baha’I Faith – Ascension of Abdu’l-Baha
Wednesday, November 29th

Thursday, November 30th
Jainism – Maun-agiyaras
Friday, December 1st
Monthly Yard Clean-up
Saturday, December 2nd
Family Skate Night at Angus Glen Community Centre

On-going Events…

Family Skate Night – Saturday, December 2nd (Register on School Cash on-line)
Family Movie Night – Thursday, December 7th (Boss Baby – Free tickets available on School Cash on-line)
Go Girls
First Lego League


Week 11 - Nov 13 to 17

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

The Week in Review…

Visitors from the Netherlands
On Tuesday, November 14th, and in conjunction with the Quest conference, BHES hosted a delegation of 8 educators from the Netherlands. We had the pleasure of sharing all the great things that makes BHES a great place to learn and grow. Our guests observed that our students were very well-behaved and respectful, and they really enjoyed speaking with the children about their learning.

For the last 21 years, YRDSB has hosted the Quest. Quest brings together 1000+ members of the educational community from around the world. Participants explore current educational issues and learn together to improve student achievement and well-being. At Quest 2017 – The Quest for Well-Being: A Collective Responsibility, participants heard from inspiring speakers including Minister of Education, Honourable Mitzie Hunter, Margaret Trudeau and Dr. Jean Clinton, attended personalized learning sessions and got hands-on experience in the Quest Playground. Participants left the conference with valuable lessons to share with colleagues and strategies they can implement to transform their practice right away.

This year at the Quest, the basis for the keynote addresses, workshop presentations and each supporting element of the conference was based on five components for well-being:

Equity and Inclusive Education – Identify discriminatory biases and remove systemic barriers in order to support achievement and well-being for all.

Safe and Accepting Schools and Workplaces – Provide safe, inclusive and accepting learning and working environments that support the achievement and well-being of every student and staff member.

Healthy Schools and Workplaces – Create learning and working conditions for students and staff to adopt healthy active living practices and maintain them throughout their lives.

Positive Mental Health – Support mental health for all students and staff members by reducing stigma, promoting mental health and supporting those who are struggling to access care.

Eco Schools and Workplaces – Empower students and staff with the knowledge, skills, perspectives and desire to act as environmentally responsible citizens.

Several BHES staff attended this year’s conference. Well-being is an important component of our school improvement efforts, and we have been working hard to unpack and understand this within our school context. What we have determined is that our students have varied identities along with high academic expectations. As a result, our students need to learn to manage stress and deal with adversity in positive ways. In order for this to happen, our teachers need to understand the social, emotional and academic needs of their students so they can equitably support them. We believe that if teachers consistently support students by addressing identity, stress, stigma and adversity, then our students will build the personal resources necessary for self-regulation, resiliency and self-advocacy. By balancing the social, emotional and academic needs of
our students we will empower all students to become engaged and
caring citizens of the world.

The Week Ahead…

Monday, November 20th
Parent Teacher Interview Request sent home
7:00-9:00 – School Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 21st
8:00-5:30 – Intermediate Girls’ Area Volleyball Tournament
Math Professional Development - Intermediate
Wednesday, November 22nd
8:00-5:30 – Intermediate Boys’ Area Volleyball Tournament
Progress Report Cards Go Home
Thursday, November 23rd
3:30-8:30 – Parent Teacher Interviews
Math Professional Development - Junior
Friday, November 24th
PA Day – Parent Teacher Interviews

On-going Events…

Family Skate Night – Saturday, December 2nd (Register on School Cash on-line)
Family Movie Night – Thursday, December 7th (Details to be released and Registration on School Cash on-line on Tuesday on Tuesday November 21st)
Go Girls
Intermediate Girls' and Boys' Volleyball
First Lego League

Week 10 - Nov 6 to 10

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

The Week in Review…

Family Skate Night
School Council will be distributing an information flyer in the next few days, but I thought I would let families know in advance of an upcoming Family Skate Night. School Council has reserved the ice at Angus Glen Community Centre, 3990 Major Mackenzie Drive East, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 2nd. As a reminder, approved CSA helmets are strongly encouraged, and families must remain on site directly supervising their children. Please mark your calendars and keep an eye out for the information flyer.

Movie Night
School Council will be hosting a Family Movie Night on Thursday, December 7th. An information flyer will be sent home soon, but we wanted you to know it was upcoming so you could mark your calendars. Hope to see you there!

Toy Drive
Student Council is once again sponsoring a Holiday Toy Drive in support of students from YRDSB schools. This is the third year that they have sponsored the Toy Drive, and each year it gets better and better. This is due to the generosity and compassion of the Bayview Hill families. We thank you in advance for your support of this year’s Holiday Toy Drive. The students will be organizing the event, and have arranged for the period of December 4th to 11th for families to bring a donation to the school. Collection boxes will be delivered to each classroom. We are asking that each family give what they can in order to assist those local families who are struggling to provide for their children. In the spirit of giving, and the joy that it brings to us all, please donate new toys, gift cards, movie passes, sports memorabilia, sports equipment, hair accessories, board games, crafts, markers, books etc. Also, in an effort to ensure there are gifts for children of all ages we ask that families consider donating according to their child’s current grade. For example, if your child is a boy in grade 1 donate something a grade 1 boy would like, or if your child is a grade 8 girl donate something a grade 8 girl would like. Gift cards are a good choice if you are not sure what to give. Donations will be accepted until Monday December 11th.

Casual Lunch Assistants Needed
BHES is currently looking for Casual Lunch Assistants to help with supervising our students at lunchtime. The commitment for a Casual Lunch Assistant is usually once or twice a week to fill in for a regular Lunch Assistant.
Hours: 12:45 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Pay: $12.11/hour plus 4% vacation pay
Required: Must provide current Police Vulnerable Sector Screening/Police check for YRDSB
Please pick up package with other documents required in school office.

CBC Music Class Contest
For the second year in a row, the BHES Choir has entered the CBC music class contest. Please go to https://youtu.be/RrtZvZvykP8 to view this year's submission.

Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews are being held on Thursday, November 23rd in the evening, and Friday November 24th during the day. Information will be coming home next week.

The Week Ahead…

Monday, November 13th

Tuesday, November 14th
Photo Retake Day
9:00-12:00 – Visitors from The Netherlands
Wednesday, November 15th

Thursday, November 16th

Friday, November 17th

On-going Events…

Go Girls
Intermediate Girls' and Boys' Volleyball
First Lego League

Week 9 - Oct 30 to Nov 3

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

The Week in Review…

On Monday, October 30th, the Kindergarten classes visited Whittamore’s Farm. They learned about pumpkins, went on a wagon ride and walked through a corn maze, saw farm animals and enjoyed playing in the park! Thank you to Mrs. Tremblay for organizing this field trip and thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time to join the classes. It was a great experience for the kids!

We Scare Hunger
Thank you to all to families that donated to our We Scare Hunger food drive for the Richmond Hill Food Bank. Also, thanks to our Student Council for volunteering their time to gather, organize, pack and deliver the donations.
Ring of Peace

On Thursday, November 2nd, 6 members of Bayview Hill’s Children in Action group (CIA) along with Ms. Bowman attended the YRDSB’s Ring of Peace unity rally. In the last few months, various sites across York Region including some YRDSB schools, have been vandalized with racist and anti-Semitic graffiti. National and global incidents of discrimination and hate have continued to affect our students, staff and communities. In light of this, York Region District School Board hosted a unity rally, Ring of Peace: Inspire Learning, Inspire Action!, to show support for safe, inclusionary spaces free from discrimination and hate for all learners in York Region.

Flu Season
Flu season is nearly here. Be prepared by getting the flu shot as early as possible.
The first and best step to preventing influenza (the flu), is to get the flu shot every year. Influenza spreads quickly and easily from an infected person to others. Please refer to the poster below for more information.

Neighbourhood Watch Groups
The Bayview Hill community has established Neighbourhood Watch Groups to help protect the entire Bayview Hill community from crime, particularly break-ins. Please refer to the poster below for more information:

The Week Ahead…

Monday, November 6th
Holocaust Education Week (Monday – Thursday)
Treaty Week (Monday – Friday)
Tuesday, November 7th

Wednesday, November 8th

Thursday, November 9th
Remembrance Day Assembly practice
Friday, November 10th
Remembrance Day Assembly

On-going Events…

Go Girls
Intermediate Girls' and Boys' Volleyball
Choir - rehearses each Day1 and Day 2 until November 10th
First Lego League