Week 12 - Nov 20 to 24

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

The Week in Review…

1993 Graduation Class Composite Photo

We are on the lookout for a copy of the 1993 graduating year’s class composite picture. It is missing from our collection. We are reaching out to the community to see if anyone has a copy they can lend us so we can have it photographed and added back into our collection. If you have a copy or know of someone who might have a copy please let the office know.
We are in the process of updating the look of our front foyer to make it feel more inviting. Eventually, we will have an info screen and additional seating. Traditionally, we have had the framed graduation composite pictures displayed in the front hall, unfortunately we are running out of room to display all years. The plan is to take down the framed composite pictures and have the first 20+ years re-organized into a book that will be on display in the front hall along with the most recent framed graduation composite. We are hopeful that someone in the community can help us so that we can have all graduates honoured in our collection.

There are many holidays and celebrations throughout the school year, the month of December is one that includes celebrations from many faith groups. Our front foyer currently has on display a Christmas tree and a Menorah. We are looking to the community to help us with locating a suitable symbol to display for Kwanzaa, so that we may be inclusive of the values and concepts that are reflective of African culture.

Movie Night
School Council is hosting a Family Movie Night on Thursday December 7th. The movie is Boss Baby will be shown in the gym. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the movie starts at 6:30 p.m. Free tickets are available through School Cash online, and all students in attendance must be supervised by their parent/guardian.

We have had a few incidents over the last few weeks of students making “Slime” at home and bringing it to school. The substance has stained clothing and carpets, and as a result we are asking students to not bring “Slime” to school.

The Learning Commons will be running an activity in the month of December that requires the use of yarn. Any families that have spare yarn at home that they would like to donate, we would happily accept it! Donations can be dropped off in the front office.

The Week Ahead…

Monday, November 27th
Day 2 – Due to the PA Day on Friday the cycle days have shifted in our calendar.
Tuesday, November 28th
Baha’I Faith – Ascension of Abdu’l-Baha
Wednesday, November 29th

Thursday, November 30th
Jainism – Maun-agiyaras
Friday, December 1st
Monthly Yard Clean-up
Saturday, December 2nd
Family Skate Night at Angus Glen Community Centre

On-going Events…

Family Skate Night – Saturday, December 2nd (Register on School Cash on-line)
Family Movie Night – Thursday, December 7th (Boss Baby – Free tickets available on School Cash on-line)
Go Girls
First Lego League
