Week 20 - Jan 15 to 19

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

The Week in Review…
School Safety
This is a reminder to parents that our drop-off and pick-up times are the busiest times around the school. All drivers are reminded to use extra caution when travelling through school zones. Students are reminded to use sidewalks, and not take short cuts through our parking lots. In the interest of student safety, we respectfully ask that parents do not enter the parking lot before dismissal as this only encourages children to walk unsupervised through the parking lot.

Recycling Awareness
In the past, we have used plastic bags in our recycling bins. Plastic bags have become a very large concern in our landfills and as a school we are trying to reduce our environmental footprint. To help diminish this problem, we are removing plastic bags from recycling containers in most classrooms.
In classrooms, the recycling bins will be used for paper products only! This will remove leaks and odours from the classrooms. Large blue recycling bins will be placed in the halls during lunch for wet recycling products (e.g., Swiss Chalet containers, coffee cups, pop cans). Please have a conversation with your child/children to help them understand the new process, and to appreciate the need to help the environment.

Social Media
I recently had a conversation with a parent who was concerned about their child’s online profile on a social media app called Sarahah. The app is a social networking service for providing anonymous feedback to users. The concern is in its potential for cyberbullying. As with all social media platforms, parents are urged to closely monitor their child’s incoming and outgoing communications, and report to the school any forms of on-line bullying.

Sports Update
Congratulations to the Jr. Volleyball Team. They played in a tournament on Wednesday and placed 3rd. The team played well as a group, and improved with each game. Go Bengals!

The Week Ahead…

Monday, January 22nd
Dental Screening
Tuesday, January 23rd
Dental Screening
9:00-3:00 – Grade 5 to Science Centre
7:00-8:00 Grade 8 Parent information session at Bayview Secondary School
Wednesday, January 24th

Thursday, January 25th
BHES is hosting the Jr. Area Volleyball Tournament – Be aware that there will be additional traffic congestion around the school.
6:30-7:30 – Grade 8 Quebec Trip information Night in the Library
Friday, January 26th

On-going Events…
Jr. Volleyball
Intermediate Boys and Girls Basketball
BHES Talent Show
On-line Chess club on Day 4
Grade 6-8 Dance Fitness Club
Student Council
Grade 4-5 Dance Club
Science Fair

Forest of Reading