Week 27 - March 5 - 9

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

The Week in Review…

Annual Offence Declaration
Parent Volunteers are an important aspect of our school community. In order for parents to volunteer, they need to get a Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS, sometimes referred to as a “Police Check”). As always, student safety is our number one priority, and the VSS is one step to ensuring safety for all. As employees within the Board, we have gone through the VSS, and each year we complete an Annual Offence Declaration so we do not need to go through the VSS process each year. As parent volunteers, you can go through a similar process. Please contact Sherry Clark in our main office, and she can let you know when your VSS is due to expire. She can also print a copy of the Annual Offence Declaration Form for you to sign. This step will allow your original VSS to roll over from year to year (assuming you have had no convictions).

Playground Safety
With the recent warm weather, we have had to close our fields at recess time. We do this in an effort to save the grass and prevent our fields from becoming “mud bowls”. The field closures will be in place for April and the early part of May. We will evaluate the closures from time to time. When the fields are closed, we have pavement only recesses, which places all students in the school on a rather small area. For safety reasons (i.e., concussion/head injuries), we do not allow ball play to occur during these times. The no ball play includes before and after school as well. We need parents to help us keep all our children safe by ensuring that balls are kept at home until the fields re-open. Teachers will still be able to take their students outside for DPA and/or physical education classes and will be able to supervise safe ball play during those times when only a few children are on the yard.

Road Safety
I recently spoke with a concerned BHES neighbor. She commented on the volume of traffic around the school, and understands the need to drive children to school. Her concern was with individuals who park in the southbound lane of Strathearn Ave in front of the school and let their children cross the road. As we are all aware the roads in front of the school are extremely busy both before and after school. With that in mind, I am asking parents to be diligent about following the traffic rules around the school. If we all do this, then our students will be safer.

The Week Ahead…

March 10 to March 18 is March Break
Notable faith days during March Break: March 14: Sikh New Year’s Day (Sikhism); March 17: Ghambar Hamaspathmaedem (Zoroastrianism); March 18: Navaratri (Spring) begins (Hinuism)

Monday, March 19th
Classes resume at 9:00 a.m.
No School Council Meeting tonight
Tuesday, March 20th
Spring Ohigon (Buddism)
School wide Lice Check
7:25 a.m. – Grade 6, 7 and 8 Girls’ Badminton Team tryouts
Wednesday, March 21st
Naw Ruz (Zoroastrianism)
Thursday, March 22nd
Grade 2 classes to Swan Lake Outdoor Education Centre
3:30 p.m. – Grade 6, 7 and 8 Boys’ Badminton Team tryouts
Friday, March 23rd
Grade 2 classes to Swan Lake Outdoor Education Centre
Sunday, March 25th
Palm Sunday (Western – Christianity)

On-going Events…
Junior Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball
Grade 6-8 Boys’ and Girls’ Badminton
BHES Talent Show
On-line Chess club on Day 4
Grade 6-8 Dance Fitness Club
Student Council
Grade 4-5 Dance Club
Science Fair
Forest of Reading