The Forest of Reading is
organized every year by the Ontario Library Association, to showcase new books
by Canadian authors and illustrators. There are book selections for all ages,
from Kindergarten to adult. The program is run in school and public libraries.
For each age group, ten books are nominated. At the end of April, participants
are able to vote for their favourite book, and winners are announced in May.
It's a great opportunity to have conversations with kids about why they like
certain books more than others, and what authors and illustrators do to draw
the reader into the story.
Thank you Ms. Livi (Teacher Librarian) for providing this opportunity to our students. And thank you to school council for providing funds to support the purchase of the books.
Kindergarten Teachers: Blue Spruce: Teachers will plan individually with Ms. Livi about how best to implement this with the Kindergarten
Grade 1 - 3: Blue Spruce: Beginning in February, classes will sign up to come to the library for a Blue Spruce introduction. The
books will be available for teachers to sign out on a daily basis, and teachers can also
bring classes to the library for Ms. Livi to read some of the titles to them.
Grades 3 & 4: Silver Birch Express: Students were introduced to this program and are welcome to join the recess club to discuss the books.
Grades 5 & 6: Silver Birch Fiction and Non-fiction:
Students have two options: they can choose to read the fiction or the
non-fiction titles. They need to read 5 out
of 10 books by the end of April to vote. They are required to come to the
library every Wednesday to touch base with Ms. Livi, and to participate in
discussions about the books they are reading.
Grades 7 & 8: Red Maple Fiction and Non-fiction:
Students have two options: they can choose to read the fiction or the
non-fiction titles. They need to read 5 out
of 10 books by the end of April to vote. They are required to come to the
library every Thursday to touch base with Ms. Livi, and to participate in discussions
about the books they are reading.