Last Friday, as a connection to the curriculum in Social Studies (Heritage and Identity: Communities in Canada, Past and Present) and as an authentic learning opportunity, a speaker from Passages Canada spoke to our students. Mr. Parsai is an author and immigration
consultant. He is a Canadian citizen originally from Iran who has delivered
several public speeches in Canada. the United Kingdom, the United Arab
Emirates, and Iran.
Here are a sampling of some of the questions that students asked the
- What influenced you to immigrate to Canada instead of another country?
- Do you think Canada is a good place to immigrate to and why?
- How long does it take to become a Canadian citizen?
- How do people get selected to be able to immigrate to Canada?
- How did you feel when you first immigrated from Iran?
- Why are you so passionate about Canada?
- Did your role as a consultant help you when you immigrated to Canada?
- Can immigrants successfully retain their own culture, while embracing the ways of Canada? How would this be different if you'd immigrated to the United States?
- How do you think the points system for immigrants could be improved?
- As an Iranian in Canada, how do you think diversity improves our country?
- In your opinion, what is "Canada"?
- In your biography, you said you strive to be a better Canadian. What does that mean? What are some examples of being a better Canadian? How can I become one?
- You've visited many countries as a speaker. In places as different as UAE and the UK, how were you received?
- What do you gain by volunteering?