Living Healthy, Learning Well

Get Active Your Way, Every Day - FOR LIFE!

Research has shown that 60 minutes of physical activity every day contributes positively to maintaining and/or improving our health.  It also positively impacts our learning and work performance.

Physical activity can be built into your daily routine, for example…  
  • walk when you can (park a block away from the school and walk, use the stairs),
  •  limit screen time     
  •  get outside and play as a family
  •  choose to walk or cycle for short trips
  •  include endurance, flexibility and strength activities throughout the week
  •  join a recreational, house league or competitive team

Some of the benefits of daily physical activity include:
·         better health
·         better posture and balance
·         improve self-esteem
·         relaxation and stress reduction
·         increase in energy levels

Refer to the following Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines to ensure that all family members needs are being met and for physical activity ideas.

1.      Ages 0 - 4 years:

2.      Ages 5 - 11 years:

3.      Ages 12 - 17 years:

4.      Ages 18 - 64 years: