School-wide Clean up April 22!

Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22! The BHES Eco Club has organized a school-wide Earth Day cleanup of the BHES schoolyard and surrounding public space. Each grade will be responsible for picking up litter in a designated area.  In an effort to make the cleanup as eco-friendly as possible, we ask that parents send in reusable gloves for your child to use for the cleanup.  These can be fabric gardening or work gloves, or even stretchy mittens or an old pair of winter mitts/gloves.  Please note that students will only be picking up dry pieces of garbage so the gloves that you send in can be brought home again and reused. Students will also be informed about things that they should not pick up. The cleanup will take place throughout the day on April 22, with a rain date scheduled for April 23.  Thank you for your cooperation!  - The Eco Club