First Day

Good afternoon Bayview Hill families,

I hope all of you had an enjoyable summer and the kids are ready and excited to come back to school. Bayview Hill’s staff have been working hard to get the school ready for a fantastic start. In the office, Mrs. Langin and Mrs. Clark have welcomed a new member to our team. Please say hello to Mrs. Adamis when you come by the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition, they have managed to process a whole lot of new registrations as well as all the usual start of the year work. Caretaking staff have the school shining and looking amazing. We were fortunate to have had ten classrooms painted this year and things are looking wonderful. I know you will share in thanking Christina, Wing, Toni, Carman and Russell for their hard work when you see their smiling faces around the building. Throughout the school our teachers have been in this week to set up the classrooms and other learning spaces. They have created welcoming classrooms for your children to enter into a new year of learning. Mr. Frank Franco, our new principal, will be officially joining us on September 10th, but has been into the school a number of times already. Until Mr. Franco arrives, we welcome Mr. Brian Stone to Bayview Hill.

Please take a moment to read below for important information about the first day of school.

School Hours:
-          8:45am – Yard is supervised by school staff
-          9:00am – Entry
-          10:40am to 11:10am – Recess
-          12:50pm to 1:50pm – Lunch
-          3:30pm - Dismissal

Entry Procedure:
-          On the first day of school students are asked to gather at the back of the school.
-          The doors will have signs indicating where students in each grade should line up.
-          Students will be escorted by their teachers to a classroom in the school where they will be sorted into their new classes.

Class Placement:
-          Students were assigned to their classes based on a thorough process in the spring. Learning style and friendships were important considerations.
-          If you have a concern about a class placement, please communicate your concern to the office in writing.

Parking Lot:
-          In the mornings, please remember to pull all the way up in the bus loop before stopping your vehicle
-          The parking lot is closed to community traffic from 8:45am to approximately 9:00am as our busses arrive
-          The parking lot is also closed from 3:20pm to approximately 3:45pm daily for safe dismissal

-          Go to to check your child’s bussing eligibility
-          Pick-up and drop-off times and locations are available there
-          Students not eligible for bussing will not be permitted on the busses
-          Bus times are only approximate in the first couple of weeks at school. You are advised to arrive early at your stop.

Picking Up Your Child:
-          Please ensure your child knows how they are getting home on the first day of school
-          It is a good idea to write primary and young junior students a reminder note about this that they can share with their teachers
-          Establish a meeting place for after school the first few days
-          A reminder that all students are instructed to exit out the back doors of the school

Junior Kindergarten:
-          Our JK students will start school at 2:00pm on September 4th.
-          JK parents are welcome to stay for a reception in the Learning Commons after drop off
-          Please sign in at the office.

It will be wonderful to see all of you on Tuesday. Until then, have a great long weekend!

Sincerely,  Mrs. Galpin