2017 Immunization Notice

If parents/guardians or students receive a letter from York Region Public Health requesting immunization information, here’s what to do:
Update York Region Public Health on your child’s immunization status in one of the following ways:

  • Online at https://eimmunization.york.ca
  • Fax documents to 905-895-6066 or 1-866-258-2026
  • Mail immunization information to Immunization Services, Box 147, Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z1
  • Call York Region Public Health at 1-877-464-9675 ext. 73456

Student Council Toy Drive Update

Our Student Council sponsored a Toy Drive again this year, and it was a huge success. We would like to thank all families for their contributions to this very worth cause.

Student Council Annual Holiday Toy Drive

Our extremely empathetic and kind Student Council is once again sponsoring a Holiday Toy Drive. Please help us in making this 2nd Annual event as big a success as it was last year. All unwrapped toys or gift cards will be donated to children in York Region. In an effort to ensure that we have gifts for all elementary aged school children, we ask that if your child is in grade 3 you provide a gift suitable for a grade 3 student. If your child is in grade 8 then you would provide a toy or gift card suitable for a grade 8 child etc...

Intermediate Volleyball Update

Intermediate Girls Volleyball
Congratulations to the Intermediate Girls’ Volleyball team on their Championship Game win in the 2016 Area tournament.  The team will represent Area C at the Regional Tournament on November 30th.  The girls also placed second in the Red Maple Tournament held earlier this month.  Throughout the season, all our athletes demonstrated excellent teamwork, skill, perseverance, hard work and sportsmanship.  The coaches, Ms Matthews and Ms Wong, are very proud of your achievement!
Go Bengals!

Intermediate Boys Volleyball

Congratulations to the Intermediate Boys’ Volleyball Team on their Championship win in the 2016 Area tournament. The team will represent Area C at the Regional Tournament on December 1st. The boys had an excellent season with solid skill development. The coaches, Ms Sawchuck and Ms Khorakchi, are very proud of your performance this season. Good Luck in your games today at the Regional Tournament.
Go Bengals!

Triple P Parenting Workshops

Triple P Parenting workshops are an excellent opportunity for parents to develop their parenting skills. Please consider registering for these two workshops.

Community Outreach News

Over the last few weeks students have raised $1738.20 from our Terry Fox Run, and the Children In Action group raised $253.25 for the Daily Bread Food Bank. We would like to thank our students and their families for their on-going support of charitable organizations in our community.

Clubs and Teams at BHES

This Fall has been a busy time for our staff and students here at BHES. Already this year a number of clubs and teams have started.

They include:

Boys’ and Girls’ Intermediate Volleyball Teams
CIA (Children in Action) – an intermediate social action club dedicated to helping others
Go Girls – For girls in grades 6 to 8 to learn about healthy living and building self-esteem
Hip Hop Dance Club (grades 4 to 6)
Junior Choir (grades 4-6)
Sign Language Club (grades 4 to 8)
Student Council (grades 7 and 8)

Thanks to our teachers for their dedication to making BHES extra-curricular activities an exciting part of our time here each day. This list is always changing and growing, so encourage your children to keep their ears open for the announcements for information about more clubs and teams as the year goes on.

Spirit Day - Friday October 14

Tomorrow will be a Blue Jays Spirit Day. Please dress in blue and show your support of our Toronto Blue Jays

Mathletics 2016

Parents who are interested in having their child/children participate in this event are encouraged to follow the information and registration details provided below. This is an individual event. Parents provide supervision for their child.

Community Ambassador

The YRDSB is partnering again this year, with Family Service Association of York Region to provide Community Ambassador Training for parents in our Richmond Hill schools. We successfully piloted this project in Richmond Hill 2 years ago and have since taken it to Markham and Vaughan. The Regional Municipality of York has seen the benefits of supporting parents to take a more active role in both their schools and communities and have decided to provide funding for this initiative. We will be running the program out of CEC Central for 8 Fridays beginning on November 4th and running until the end of January. If you are interested in this opportunity, please read the information flyer below and contact Leena directly.

International Baccalaureate Program Information Evening

The International Baccalaureate (IB) program is student-centred with a focus on developing intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills for students who live, learn and work in a rapidly changing world. The program emphasizes critical, compassionate thinking, community involvement and intercultural understanding. It is founded on international standards and assessment. Students who complete the program earn both an Ontario Secondary School Diploma and an IB Diploma.
We are pleased to announce the expansion of York Region District School Board’s IB Program offerings. In addition to Bayview Secondary School’s IB Program, YRDSB has four candidate school sites for the Diploma Program:
  • Alexander Mackenzie High School
  • Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School
  • Maple High School
  • Milliken Mills High School

Current Grade 8 and Grade 9 students and families interested in YRDSB’s IB Program are invited to attend an information session to learn more about the program and application process. No registration is needed.

IB Information Evening – Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Location: Le Parc 
8432 Leslie Street, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7M6
Hall: to be announced
Times: Families living EAST of Yonge St. 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Students eligible for Grade 9 and Grade 10 in September 2017 may apply.

Assessment Dates – Saturday, November 19 or Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Admission to the York Region District School Board IB programs includes an assessment. At the time of application, students will select to write in either the a.m. or p.m. on Saturday, November 19 or in the evening on Tuesday, November 22.

There is a $35 fee to apply to this program.

For additional information, please visit www.yrdsb.ca/IB.

Bayview Hill ES 2015-2016 EQAO Results

Percentage of Grade 3 students at or above the Provincial Standard
Percentage of Grade 6 students at or above the Provincial Standard
School: 86
School: 82

Board: 79
Board: 87

Province: 72
Province: 81
School: 93
School: 86

Board: 83
Board: 88

Province: 74
Province: 80
School: 88

Board: 76
Board: 65

Province: 63
Province: 50

We are extremely pleased with our overall 2015-2016 EQAO results as they are an indication of the commitment and dedication to learning that students, parents and teachers have put forth. As the above chart shows, we are above the Board and Province in Primary Reading, Writing, Math and Junior Math. We are above the Province and below the Board in Junior Reading and Writing. We look forward to contextualizing these results and integrating them into the development of our School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement (SIPSA). Mathematics is currently a focus area for the Province, YRDSB, and therefore our school.

School Council 2016-2017

At the first school council meeting on September 19, 2016, a new team was formed to represent the parent community. Please welcome the 2016-2017 School Council members:

Mercede Manavi
Karim Jessani
Fatima Jafri
Anabela Costa
Sahar Amini
Lise Tang (Co-chair)
Joanna Yu
Karen Gow (Secretary)
Rajesh Sharma
Michel Bordeleau
Murad Bhimani (Treasurer)
Wendy Steinberg (Co-chair)
Wendy Tan
Paul Yip
Catherine Han
Helen Shin
Patricia Kitagawa (Community member)

You are invited to our 2nd School Council meeting on October 24th at 7:00p.m. in the school Staff Room, a few doors down from the office.

Our subcommittees will be introduced and there will be opportunities for parents to participate.

If you are unable to attend the meeting and are interested in joining one of the subcommittees please email steinbergw@gmail.com

We are looking forward to a fun and memorable school year!

Meet the Teacher Night

Bayview Hill Elementary School is pleased to announce that they will be hosting a Meet the Teacher Event on:

Thursday, October 13th from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

The format for the evening will be casual. Families are encouraged to drop in to their child’s class, see some of the work they have done, and take a moment to meet the homeroom teacher. If you want a longer meeting with your child’s teacher, please contact them to schedule a meeting at another time.

A limited supply of snacks and drinks will be made available in the front hall should families wish to purchase them. The funds raised will be used to support student-lead school initiatives.

Toonies for Terry

“If you’ve given a dollar, you are part of the Marathon of Hope.” –Terry Fox

On Thursday September 29th, schools across Canada will participate in the annual Terry Fox School Run day. It is a day of celebrating Terry’s legacy and helping to keep his dream of a cure for cancer alive.

Throughout the day all the students at Bayview Hill E.S will run and walk in support of this important event. The event will take place on the back field of the school and the distance of the run will vary according to the age of the student. In the event of rain the run will take place on Friday, September 30th.

Students will be asked to bring a Toonie for Terry as a donation. If families wish to make a larger donation they can send the money to school and we will send it to the Terry Fox Foundation. All cheques should be made payable to the Terry Fox Foundation.

Thank you for your support of this event.

School Council Election

This is a reminder that on Monday, September 19, 2016 Bayview Hill E.S. will be holding its first School Council meeting for the year. This meeting will be held in the school library starting at 7:00 p.m.
One of the important agenda items is the election of School Council members. If you are interested, we invite you to attend this meeting. The School Council Candidate Nomination Form was sent to you in the Bayview Hill E.S. start-up package. Please complete this form and hand it in to your child's classroom teacher, or bring the form with you to the meeting on the 19th. Hope to see you there.
Good Afternoon Families,
On behalf of the staff at Bayview Hill E.S. I would like to welcome you to a new school year. This time of the year always brings a sense of renewal as we get ready to learn and grow in such a wonderful community. With nearly 750 students entering the school on the first day it is important for us to communicate a simple but effective plan for this transition. Our goal is to get students into the school and into classes safely. For this reason, when the entry bell goes, please be sure you have your child/children at their appropriate entry door. Teachers will collect the students from that grade, and then bring them into the school to be organized into classes. Parents will not be invited into the school at this time. Parents, please have a plan for how your child is going home at the end of the day, and make sure your child understands it (plan a meeting spot). Also, if you are planning on meeting your child at the end of the day remember that the front parking lot is closed to all vehicles except official school vehicles.

On Tuesday, September 6, 2016

If your child is in:

JK/SK Students: In the morning, please bring your SK child to the Kindergarten playground at the south end of the school. Staff will be there to direct you to which entry door to go to. The entry bell will ring at 8:55am. Classroom teachers will call out their class lists, and then the children will enter the building. Parents are asked to leave the Kindergarten playground at that time.
SK students arriving by bus will be met at the bus by school staff and escorted to the Kindergarten playground.
In the afternoon, JK children will arrive at 2:00pm for their afternoon introduction. Parents will be asked to bring their child to the Kindergarten playground between 1:55 and 2:00. Teachers will call out their class lists and students will enter the class. Parents will leave the Kindergarten playground and walk to the front of the school to enter the building and go upstairs to the Library for refreshments and an opportunity to “get acquainted” from 2:00pm – 3:00pm (Admin will be there to greet/mingle and answer questions).
At the end of the day, staff will escort bus students to the front hall for bus lines. FDK teachers will dismiss walkers to the Kindergarten playground and supervise safe dismissal.

Grade 1, 2 and 3 (+3/4) Classes:
In the morning, please bring your child/children to door D. The entry bell will ring at 8:55. At that time teachers will escort the Primary students into the school and organize them into classes. Parents are asked to leave the playground at that time.
Grade 1 students arriving by bus will be met at the bus by school staff and escorted to Door D. All other bus students will walk to door D.
Staff will be assigned to talk to parents to make sure their child/children know how they are getting home at the end of the day (being picked up/walking with ___________, going to Family Day, going on a bus). It is very important that families make a clear plan for where their child will be going at the end of the day.

Grade 4 and 5 Classes:  In the morning, please bring your child/children to door D. The entry bell will ring at 8:55. At that time teachers will escort the students into the school and organize them into classes.
It is very important that families make a clear plan for where their child will be going at the end of the day.

Grade 6 Classes: In the morning, please bring your child/children to door F. The entry bell will ring at 8:55. At that time teachers will escort the students into the school and organize them into classes. Parents are asked to leave the playground at that time.
It is very important that families make a clear plan for where their child will be going at the end of the day.

Grade 7 & 8 Classes:  In the morning, please bring your child/children to door G. The entry bell will ring at 8:55. At that time teachers will escort the students into the school and organize them into classes. Parents are asked to leave the playground at that time.

It is very important that families make a clear plan for where their child will be going at the end of the day.

School Council

Throughout the year the Student Council at Bayview Hill has dedicated many hours to help organize a variety of events and to raise money for various charities. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the BHES community for your support during these initiatives. We could not have done it without you.  We are proud to share with you some of our accomplishments for the 2015-2016 school year.

  • In December, we hosted our school's first ever Holiday Toy Drive for those less fortunate.

  • In February our Valentine Cookie Gram Sales raised over $1000 for The Yellow Brick House.

  • In April $500 was raised for the Canadian Cancer Society as a result of Daffodil pins and stickers that were sold.

  • Most recently in May, the Annual Basket Raffle raised over $2000 for the Red Cross in support of Fort McMurray.

We would like to thank all members of the Student Council for their hard work, initiative, and dedication to helping others and parents for always being supportive to our causes. Congratulations to the Core members as well as the class reps for a job well done.

Best wishes for a safe and happy summer break.
P. Harricharan, J. Ong and C. Ali

Health and Physical Education

In Ontario, the curriculum identifies what knowledge and skills a student should be able to demonstrate by the end of each grade. Recently, the Health and Physical Education curriculum was updated. The curriculum supports student to:
·         Understand themselves and others;
·         Think critically, make and promote healthy choices;
·         Develop and maintain relationships;
·         Be safe, physically and emotionally; and
·         Be physically active for life and thrive.

During the next few weeks, there will be a focus on the Human Development and Sexual Health topics.

Education is most effective when parents, schools and the community work together. For your information, copies of the full Health and Physical Education curriculum and parent guides (including translated material) can be found at www.yrdsb.ca.

Additional information can be found by clicking the following links which will take you to Ministry of Education resources:

Ministry of Education – Health and Physical Education Grade by Grade overviews

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

If you have additional questions and wish to discuss the implementation of the curriculum, please contact your child's teacher or the school principal or Vice-Principal

Spring Dance - A Tribute to the Stars

This is a reminder to Families that the School Council will be hosting a Spring Dance for students on Friday, April 15th. Each grade will be called to the gym to dance with their classmates. A professional DJ and “Dance Helpers” will be working with students to help encourage full participation. This year’s theme is “A Tribute to the Stars”. Students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite celebrity or Disney character (Please consider the school dress code when selecting costumes). Student Council will be selling snacks and drinks. The proceeds will be used to support their charity initiatives.

Inclement Weather Day - March 24, 2016

Due to the freezing rain, YRDSB school buses have been cancelled, toady.

If buses are cancelled in the morning, they are also cancelled for the afternoon.

For safety reasons, you may choose whether or not to send your child to school; however, if you keep him/her home and your child is NOT bused, you MUST call the school and report the absence.

Our Safe Arrival Program dictates that we know where all absent students are – if we cannot reach you, we will  contact your emergency contact person. If we cannot reach that person, we are obligated to contact the police.

There may be a modified program in your child’s class due to numbers of students attending and absences of some teachers. If your child does not attend school on a day that buses are cancelled due to inclement weather, your child will not face attendance related repercussions.

Once students arrive, they are expected to stay. You can, however, make arrangements ahead of time to pick up your child at lunch.

When buses are cancelled – there are:
·         NO Lunch Service Arrangements or Special Lunches.
·         NO Special Events days or field trips. 
·         Please send a lunch with your child.
Please note:
Dress for the weather – bus cancellation does not mean automatic indoor recesses or early entry into the school.

Information regarding bus cancellations is posted at www.schoolbuscity.com, conveyed to GTA radio/television stations, and available on the Board’s Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/#!/YRDSB.

Pizza for Gr 7 and 8

This is a reminder to families of students in Grade 7 and 8 that you pizza day was changed to Thursday, February 25th. Please bring a lunch to school today.

Ski Trip Cancelled Due to Weather

Regular School Buses have been cancelled today, Wednesday, February 24, 2016, as a result of the predicted weather event for today. When regular school buses are cancelled, so are charter buses for field trips. As a result, the ski trip is cancelled for today. Please send your child to school today expecting a regular school day in class.

Morning Kiss and Ride/Afternoon Bus Loop/Fire Truck Access Route

This is a reminder that the morning Kiss and Ride and afternoon Bus Loop at the front of the school is also our Fire Truck Access Route. This is a no parking zone. Leaving your car unattended fro any reason could result in a hefty fine if the Town of Richmond Hill Parking Authority is on site.

Valentine's Day

Winter Has Arrived

Welcome back! We hope that you had a restful and relaxing winter break, and wish you all the best for the New Year. It is the first day back to school today, and with it came some rather frosty weather. As a reminder, students are expected to come to school dressed to go outside for recess. That being said if the temperature or wind chill dips below -20 degrees Celcius it will be an indoor recess. We monitor the conditions on a regular basis and adjust or shorten recess if required.