Say NO to Bullying @Bayview Hill ES

Many thanks to our grade 6 students who have provided morning announcements and put up  posters around the school to remind us of  Pink T-shirt day!   Teachers have used a variety of resources (video clips, books &websites) in their classrooms to discuss bullying behaviour.  Ms. Sluser's Grade 6 students led the way today with some Daily Physical Activity using dance routines while visiting each classroom in the school with a PINK T-shirt.  After completion of the dance moves, every classroom signed a t-shirt as their pledge against bullying.  The t shirts will then be placed in the display cabinet in the front foyer of the school.   

Bullying is often a term that is misused.  Unfortunately sometimes children are mean towards others and make poor choices in how they treat others.  When this happens, it is an opportunity to support children in understanding perspective and acceptable, safe social behaviours.  Bullying is different.  Bullying is an imbalance of power in a relationship.  Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychologically aggressive behaviour by a person or group that targets a less powerful person or group.  The bullying behaviour is intended to cause harm, distress or fear.