Living Healthy, Learning Well

Welcome to BHES “Living Healthy, Learning Well” blog feature.

Bi-weekly, you will be receiving a blog post  regarding healthy eating and active lifestyles for the Bayview Hill school community.  Here, you will find ideas for you and your children to stay active and eat well according to Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating.
In our first posting, we will be focusing on ideas for healthy snacks.  As an alternative to pre-packaged snacks, some suggestions for an economical yet healthy snack choice include:

·         dry cereals, such as Shreddies, Mini Wheats, Cheerios
·         mini rice cakes
·         pretzels
·         bread sticks
·         popcorn (little or no butter or salt)
·         crackers (low salt)
·         fresh vegetables like carrots, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers (with or without dip)
·         Salsa (with crackers or breadsticks)
·         Apple/fruit sauce
·         100% Vegetable/fruit juice box
·         Dried fruits and vegetables
·         Dried seaweed
MILK & ALTERNATIVES                                                             
·         Cheese cubes / cheese sticks                   
·         White / Chocolate Milk
·         Yogurt cup / yogurt tubes / yogurt drink
·         Hummus
·         Sunflower /  pumpkin seeds
·        Soya beans / edamame

We are a nut safe school. Please be sure to read all labels for any nut ingredients (i.e., May contain nuts).  We have a number of students with nut allergies in our school.  These allergies can be life threatening.