Bayview Hill ES 2015-2016 EQAO Results

Percentage of Grade 3 students at or above the Provincial Standard
Percentage of Grade 6 students at or above the Provincial Standard
School: 86
School: 82

Board: 79
Board: 87

Province: 72
Province: 81
School: 93
School: 86

Board: 83
Board: 88

Province: 74
Province: 80
School: 88

Board: 76
Board: 65

Province: 63
Province: 50

We are extremely pleased with our overall 2015-2016 EQAO results as they are an indication of the commitment and dedication to learning that students, parents and teachers have put forth. As the above chart shows, we are above the Board and Province in Primary Reading, Writing, Math and Junior Math. We are above the Province and below the Board in Junior Reading and Writing. We look forward to contextualizing these results and integrating them into the development of our School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement (SIPSA). Mathematics is currently a focus area for the Province, YRDSB, and therefore our school.