Week 11 - Nov 13 to 17

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

The Week in Review…

Visitors from the Netherlands
On Tuesday, November 14th, and in conjunction with the Quest conference, BHES hosted a delegation of 8 educators from the Netherlands. We had the pleasure of sharing all the great things that makes BHES a great place to learn and grow. Our guests observed that our students were very well-behaved and respectful, and they really enjoyed speaking with the children about their learning.

For the last 21 years, YRDSB has hosted the Quest. Quest brings together 1000+ members of the educational community from around the world. Participants explore current educational issues and learn together to improve student achievement and well-being. At Quest 2017 – The Quest for Well-Being: A Collective Responsibility, participants heard from inspiring speakers including Minister of Education, Honourable Mitzie Hunter, Margaret Trudeau and Dr. Jean Clinton, attended personalized learning sessions and got hands-on experience in the Quest Playground. Participants left the conference with valuable lessons to share with colleagues and strategies they can implement to transform their practice right away.

This year at the Quest, the basis for the keynote addresses, workshop presentations and each supporting element of the conference was based on five components for well-being:

Equity and Inclusive Education – Identify discriminatory biases and remove systemic barriers in order to support achievement and well-being for all.

Safe and Accepting Schools and Workplaces – Provide safe, inclusive and accepting learning and working environments that support the achievement and well-being of every student and staff member.

Healthy Schools and Workplaces – Create learning and working conditions for students and staff to adopt healthy active living practices and maintain them throughout their lives.

Positive Mental Health – Support mental health for all students and staff members by reducing stigma, promoting mental health and supporting those who are struggling to access care.

Eco Schools and Workplaces – Empower students and staff with the knowledge, skills, perspectives and desire to act as environmentally responsible citizens.

Several BHES staff attended this year’s conference. Well-being is an important component of our school improvement efforts, and we have been working hard to unpack and understand this within our school context. What we have determined is that our students have varied identities along with high academic expectations. As a result, our students need to learn to manage stress and deal with adversity in positive ways. In order for this to happen, our teachers need to understand the social, emotional and academic needs of their students so they can equitably support them. We believe that if teachers consistently support students by addressing identity, stress, stigma and adversity, then our students will build the personal resources necessary for self-regulation, resiliency and self-advocacy. By balancing the social, emotional and academic needs of
our students we will empower all students to become engaged and
caring citizens of the world.

The Week Ahead…

Monday, November 20th
Parent Teacher Interview Request sent home
7:00-9:00 – School Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 21st
8:00-5:30 – Intermediate Girls’ Area Volleyball Tournament
Math Professional Development - Intermediate
Wednesday, November 22nd
8:00-5:30 – Intermediate Boys’ Area Volleyball Tournament
Progress Report Cards Go Home
Thursday, November 23rd
3:30-8:30 – Parent Teacher Interviews
Math Professional Development - Junior
Friday, November 24th
PA Day – Parent Teacher Interviews

On-going Events…

Family Skate Night – Saturday, December 2nd (Register on School Cash on-line)
Family Movie Night – Thursday, December 7th (Details to be released and Registration on School Cash on-line on Tuesday on Tuesday November 21st)
Go Girls
Intermediate Girls' and Boys' Volleyball
First Lego League