Week 26 - Feb 26 - March 2

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

The Week in Review…
This week saw both our Intermediate Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball teams compete in the Central Area tournaments. Both teams represented Bayview Hill with skill and fair play. We thank the players, coaches and parents (who had to get their child to games and early morning practices) for all their hard efforts. Basketball is becoming an increasingly more competitive game in elementary schools, and our players rose to the occasion. Go Bengals!

Skills Challenge
Mr. Chow took several grade 7 and 8 students to the York Region Skills Competition. As a school community, we would like to extend a congratulation to Hannah who placed 3rd overall in the intermediate prepared speech competition, and our TV and Video production students, Katie and Kim were successful in creating a Public Service Announcement on the theme of 'wellbeing' from scratch including planning, filming, editing, and rendering all within less than 4 hours. Go Bengals!

Although the forecast called for rain on Wednesday, February 28th, our Intermediate and Junior electives day went forward. We were rewarded with NO rain, and great spring conditions to enjoy a day outdoors. Thank you to all our teachers who volunteered their time to co-ordinate this extra-curricular event. Our students had a great time!

Special Needs Summer Camp

Ontario Special Needs Summer Camp Listings
Here is an awesome Link providing parents of special needs students with summer camp information for Ontario. 

X-Fusion Is coming April 3-5.
Welcome to X-Fusion! An interactive experience where students learn self-regulation tools and strategies in order to discover the power of their own self-realization! X Fusion uses high intensity energy flows along with yoga inspired moves to experience different energy levels and affirms the learnings with the "Feel, Choose, Fuse!" mantra!

You and your family are invited to come and enjoy the X Fusion experience as well as learn some important self-regulation tools and tactics!
More details will be sent home in the coming weeks.

Diversity Night
Hello BHES families! School council has started planning for our annual Diversity Night. As a way of celebrating the cultural diversity that makes our school special. We invite BHES families to highlight their cultural background through this event. Diversity Night will be held on Thursday, April 19th, 2018 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. We are looking for parent volunteers to represent their country and share their cultural food, arts, and/or crafts.

If your family or a team of families wants to represent their culture with food, your responsibilities would be:

1.       To purchase and/or find local restaurants to sponsor food that represents your country. A donation letter from the school is available.
2.       Provide or make a flag.
3.       Design a bristol board sign with information about your country.
4.       Submit two questions and answers from information on your bristol board display. This will be for student passports.
5.       Wear traditional clothing.
6.       You must be available to attend from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm for set up and clean up.

If your family of a team of families wants to represent their culture with arts and/or crafts, your responsibilities would be:

1.       To purchase arts/crafts and/or find a local artist/performers that represents your country.
2.       Provide or make a flag.
3.       Design a bristol board with information about your country.
4.       Submit two questions and answers from information on your bristol board display. This will be for student passports.
5.       Wear traditional clothing.
6.       You must be available to attend from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm for set up and clean up.

We welcome your participation.

If you are interested, please follow the steps below:

1.  Email your NAME, EMAIL, PHONE NUMBER and COUNTRY to Bayview.hill.ES@sc.yrdsb.ca with the subject heading Diversity Night
2.  All entries must be submitted by Friday, March 9th, 2018.

Once entries have been received we will contact you to confirm your participation and send out an email with full details about the event.


If you know of any high school students wanting to help, PLEASE HAVE THEM SEND AN EMAIL WITH THEIR FULL NAME, SCHOOL AND GRADE to mike.carlin@yrdsb.ca with Diversity Night Volunteer in the subject heading. R.S.V.P. by March 9th, 2018. Spots are limited. First come, first served. We will contact you by email to confirm the student’s participation.

If you have any questions about the event, please include them when you sign up.
Thank you and we are looking forward to a successful Diversity Night!

Lise Tang and Pegita Pirnia

The Week Ahead…

Monday, March 5th

Tuesday, March 6th
Grade 6 Trip to Science Centre
Wednesday, March 7th

Thursday, March 8th
International Women’s Day
Friday, March 9th

March Break – March 10th to March 18th
Classes resume Monday, March 19th at 9:00 a.m.

On-going Events…
BHES Talent Show
On-line Chess club on Day 4
Grade 6-8 Dance Fitness Club
Student Council
Grade 4-5 Dance Club
Science Fair
Forest of Reading