Week 40 - June 4 to 8

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

CIA Book Drive
The Children in Action (CIA) will be collecting used books from the BHES community from Monday, June 11th to Friday, June 15th.  Books can be sent to your child's homeroom and will be collected from each classroom on a daily basis. All used books will be sold at our upcoming Carnival on June 19th for $1. All donations will go to 360 Kids in Richmond Hill.

Some information about 360 Kids:
·         360 Kids is an organization that assists at-risk youths.
·         The organization recognizes that these at-risk youths need a wide range of supports to help them rebuild their lives.
·         360 kids now serves over 3,000 youth, each year from every municipality in York.
·         They have built a Richmond Hill Hub, which is a centre for youths and offers essential services to them.
·         Their mission statement is "To help youth overcome crisis and transition to a state of safety and stability".
·         Their vision is that "Every kid has access to a safe home".
·         Their website is https://www.360kids.ca if you would like to learn more.

Track and Field
Congratulations to all the Track and Field athletes who participated in the Area Track and Field Meet on Wednesday, June 6th. All the athletes and the staff who supervised had a great day. Go Bengals!
Congratulations to the following students who will represent BHES at the Regional Track and Field:
·         Kylie Y. who placed 1st in Triple Jump
·         Alice F. who placed 1st in Shot Put
·         Kiyaanne K. who placed 2nd in 200 meters

Parking Lot
Road safety is an important issue for all, and especially important in school zones where the increased number of children poses a significant safety concern. Please be sure to use extra caution as you approach the school, and follow all directional signage. Cars have been observed recently travelling in the wrong direction through both the bus loop and the parking lot. As a reminder, all vehicles must enter the school parking lot and/or kiss and ride from the south entrance and leave safely through the north exit.
The kiss and ride/bus loop is also our designated fire route, and as such is always a no parking zone. On occasion, a by-law officer or YRP will ticket vehicles parked in the fire route. Any time you pull up in front of the school and exit your vehicle (with or without the engine running) to drop off a lunch or pick up a child is considered parking in the fire route and you may find yourself ticketed. Also, double-parking your vehicle in the parking lot with the engine running is an unsafe practice. Please park your vehicle on the road and approach the building on foot. We recognize the inconvenience this causes, but the alternative ticket is probably more inconvenient.

Richmond Hill Public Library – Summer Programs

Monday, June 11th
PRIDE Day – Wear a colourful shirt today!
9:30-10:30 – Youth Speak for grade 7 and 8 in the gym
CIA – Book drive all week
Lailat-ul-Qadr - Islam
Tuesday, June 12th
Grade 6s to Camp Robin Hood
Grade 7s to Swan Lake
CIA – Book drive all week

Wednesday, June 13th
Grade 7s to Swan Lake
CIA – Book drive all week

Thursday, June 14th
2:00 – Skills Ontario for Grade 8s
Grade 7 to Swan Lake
CIA – Book drive all week
Friday, June 15th
CIA – Book drive all week
Eid-ul-Fitr - Islam

On-going Events…

Grade 7 and 8 Track and Field Club
Student Council